- French version + TV Report . - Deutsch version






Health: Next-up Organisation advises against using the rear right passenger seat in the Toyota Prius Hybrid.

Several vehicle manufacturers are currently facing various problems that require the recall of particular models, often in great numbers, where the electronic driving controls are affected by both low and high frequency electromagnetic fields.

What is rarely mentioned is the impact on the health of the vehicle occupants of the non-ionising radiation they are bathed in, generated by the electrical equipment or by high frequencies. 

Next-up Organisation therefore tested a sophisticated vehicle in various driving modes, a new Toyota Prius Hybrid recalled by a concessionaire in order to retune the ABS assisted braking system by changing the control program in the electronic unit (a fault that causes a slight delay - or complete loss! - of brake power).

In its issue no. 67 in 2002 the popular French science magazine Sciences et Avenir tested 60 cars for the magnetic fields affecting the passengers and presented "An unprecedented investigation that should prompt certain manufacturers to take action". [See the report below]

Even though vehicles at that time did not have as much on-board electronic equipment, the magazine based its conclusions on prolonged exposure to magnetic radiation calculated from the threshold of 0.2 µT or 2 mG, which is the safety level currently recommended by the BioInitiative international scientific consortium. 

Since that time, faced with recurrent problems of exceeding the threshold of electromagnetic compatibility, of the bugs that have occurred and of several lawsuits [TV reports Fr], certain manufacturers like Renault have provided themselves with accurate instruments to calculate thresholds of immunity, and to develop with the parts manufacturers levels that are far above the present European regulations.
These improvements have made it possible to reduce drastically but temporarily the number of bugs in the vehicles, but since the pollution of the environment by EMFs has increased exponentially in recent years this has more or less cancelled out their effectiveness.

Nowadays certain vehicles are filled with more and more electronic equipment to assist every aspect of driving, and inevitably there is a proliferation of increasingly serious problems often creating bugs in the electromagnetic compatibility, which is becoming a major concern for the manufacturers.

While all vehicles are subjected to external electromagnetic fields, certain models like the Prius Hybrid generate significant fields of magnetic radiation internally because of their design features.

These fields are cancelled out as far as possible by shielding designed to reduce them, but since a metal vehicle acts as a Faraday cage, the radiation that escapes is particularly harmful for the health of people seated within it, and also for the on-board electronics.

A hybrid vehicle makes use of two kinds of motor, a petrol motor and an electric one, used sometimes singly and sometimes together depending on the circumstances. The power for the electric motor is provided by a battery pack that is recharged by means of a complex computerised system. The basic problem comes from the type of current, which is of medium power, not constant but alternating 50 Hz or 60 Hz. This generates intense low frequency magnetic fields such as those observed in the Prius Hybrid.

The two elements making up an electromagnetic field are the electrical field, measured in Volt/metre, and the magnetic field measured in milliGauss.

It is impossible to carry out accurate measurements of EMFs in vehicles according to a strict protocol because of the potential complexity of simultaneous factors in the environment and also because of the inherent fluctuation of the parameters in a vehicle, the reflections, doubling, etc. Thus any series of measurements is impossible to reproduce exactly.

Therefore it is obviously the direct approach that works best in looking for the results that give an indication of the intensity of the local fields, such as that seen in the Prius Hybrid where there is a radiation "hotspot" well above normal levels.

While taking readings of the overall EMF, a flow of LF magnetic radiation was observed in the rear right passenger seat. After cross-checking the measurements in the 3 polarisations it gave an average reading of 2491 nT (nanoTesla), or 24 mG (milliGauss).

Even if this figure is below the present European legal limits as defined by ICNIRP, it is a fact that this level, unheard of in a vehicle, exceeds by a long way the safety levels recommended by the international scientific community, such as those of the BioInitiative consortium, which are 1 mG for prolonged exposure in living areas or enclosed spaces (such as a vehicle) and 2 mG for exposure that is temporary or outdoors.

Consequently Next-up Organisation is issuing a warning to strongly discourage any passenger, especially on a long journey, from sitting in the rear right seat of a Prius Hybrid without having noted the strength of the magnetic field and considering its possible effects on their health.

Since this spot is just above the exit point of the power cables supplying electrical current from the well-insulated battery compartment, it seems that there is a gap just here in the protective shield.

Obviously Toyota can always claim that the level of the magnetic field as measured, even though it is exceptional, is still below the limit set by European regulations.



Request to Toyota France for readings of the magnetic fields in the Prius Hybrid: the replies




Zone: Readings from the Toyota Prius Hybrid of the low intensity ambient electrical field


The ambient electrical field in the low frequency zone is less than 1 V/m and
the low frequency magnetic field is about 13 nT (nano Tesla) or 0.13 mG (milli Gauss)





Toyota Prius Hybrid: magnetic field intensity
Parking position, ignition ON

1nT = 0,01mG - 100 nT = 1mG



Magnetic Field in the rear right passenger seat =
2491 nT (24,91 mG*)

* A milligauss (1 mG) is the unit of measurement of the ELF (extremely low frequency)
field intensity used to indicate the magnetic fields of appliances, power lines, internal electrical wiring, etc.



recommended Magnetic Field LF levels




Source of the problem:
Exit point of the power cables from the shielded battery compartment




Fan ventilation system for the battery compartment and the ventilators




The unit of measurement of magnetic induction is the Tesla (T),
the milli Tesla (mT), micro Tesla (µT), nano Tesla (nT) and previously the Gauss (G)
- 1 T = 1 000 mT = 1 000 000 µT = 1 000 000 000 nT -
1 G = 10-4 T so 1 G = 100 µT and 1 mT = 10 G

- Earth's magnetic filed is from 24-45 µT
at the equator and from 62-70 µT at the poles.
This magnetic field does not upset living beings
because it is continuous and not alternating,

and therefore does not induce a current in any conducting medium.

Alternating electric current running through a conducting wire creates
an alternating magnetic field that can in turn induce another alternating current in another wire.
The current thus induced in the human body (since it is also a conductor)
may interfere with the currents already present and thus upset the functioning of the organism.




Toyota Prius Hybrid HF readings around the driving pedals [1]




Toyota Prius Hybrid: Electrical Field reading
Parking position, ignition ON





Toyota Prius Hybrid
HF levels 1 MHz-2,7 GHz
Parking position, ignition ON



HF conversion table
Readings from spectrum analyser

















Toyota "sticking pedals" recall is a smokescreen
by EurIng Keith Armstrong
Their sudden unintended acceleration problem is caused
by electronics either due to EMI, lead-free soldering or software “bugs



ELF radiation levels for the public = 100 µT = 1 G = 100,000 nT

BioInitiative recommended ELF levels




BioInitiative_IMMEDIATELY_06vm 20 03 2009






An immediate Yes
to mobile phones and relay antennas without radiation













"Dirty mobile phone"
with omnidirectional lobe of HF microwave radiation

"Clean mobile phone"
without any HF microwave radiation via directional nanometric photonic beam




Video report France 3 : Phone masts beam (Grenoble-France), WHO, BioInitiative 0,6 V/m.


Mobile Communication

in progress



European Survey_Uk Version

In the face of the present unprecedented increase in artificial microwave radiation in the environment, there is a vital need to obtain up to date information as a basis for a comprehensive assessment of the impact of this radiation on people's health.

This questionnaire for the general public is easy to fill in and anonymous.
For it to be credible and representative it is essential for it to be circulated widely in Europe and worldwide so that we can amass the maximum statistical data.

Designed originally in a printed version by Dr Roger Santini, it has been updated so that people who live close to relay antennas can give the full details of their experience.
The statistics gathered from this enquiry will be sent anonymously to scientists
and health organisations for analysis and publication.

Please help circulate this questionnaire.





































European Survey_Uk Version

In the face of the present unprecedented increase in artificial microwave radiation in the environment, there is a vital need to obtain up to date information as a basis for a comprehensive assessment of the impact of this radiation on people's health.

This questionnaire for the general public is easy to fill in and anonymous.
For it to be credible and representative it is essential for it to be circulated widely in Europe and worldwide so that we can amass the maximum statistical data.

Designed originally in a printed version by Dr Roger Santini, it has been updated so that people who live close to relay antennas can give the full details of their experience.
The statistics gathered from this enquiry will be sent anonymously to scientists
and health organisations for analysis and publication.

Please help circulate this questionnaire.






