k. . .1


- SVT Debatt   Mona Nilsson :
"Svenska myndigheter ljuger om riskerna med mobiltelefoni"

- Next-up organization INTERPHONE
"Den skandalösa Maria Feychting: vetenskapligt bedrägeri"


Pr Maria Feychting - Interphone
Aftonbladet (Sweden
Has another opinion on the risks :
"There is no increase in brain tumour incidence since mobile phones started to be used. There is no reason to beleive that there are . . . dramatically
high risks from mobile phone use".


The international Interphone study confirms :

The official publication on the 8th of October 2008 - mostly in catimini-
of the first intermediate results of the International Interphone Study from
the International Research Centre on Cancer (CIRC) dependent on WHO
confirms the increased tumors and cancer cases
due to the use of mobile phon

CIRC / WHO INTERPHONE Study Results update:


- Mobilen kan ge hjärntumör
"Nu har forskare på finska Strålskyddscentralen, Stuk,
gjort den största studien hittills. Den visar att det faktiskt finns ett samband.
Det här är något man måste ta på allvar,
säger cancerforskaren Maria Feychting"


- Mobile phones can cause brain tumours
"Now researchers at the Swedish Institute for Protection against Radiations have presented their conclusions based on the most wide-ranging study carried out so far (the WHO Interphone study: ed.) This study shows that there is a link.
“This is something we have to take seriously,”
says the cancer researcher Dr Maria Feychting."



Flag Uk. - click




SVT Debatt
Mona Nilsson journaliste :
L’autorité de santé suédoise s’est "couchée"
face aux risques de la téléphonie mobile

"La preuve de la Fraude Scientifique"
 "La scandaleuse Maria Feychting : Fraude Scientifique"

Next-up organisation demande que la négationniste Maria-Freychting démissionne
ou soit exclue de l'institut Karolinska de Stockolm.



24 01 207 : La preuve de la Fraude Scientifique de Maria Freychting

"Le téléphone mobile peut donner une tumeur cérébrale"
les chercheurs de l’Institut Suédois de la Protection Contre les Radiations
(ndlr : La SSM (Radiation Safety Authority)
viennent de rendre leurs conclusions sur la plus grande étude réalisée à ce jour (Ndrl : INTERPHONE de l’OMS).
Cette étude montre qu’il existe un lien.
« C'est quelque chose que nous devons prendre au sérieux »,
dit la chercheuse sur le cancer
Maria Feychting.



Pr Maria Feychting - Interphone
Aftonbladet (Suède)
A un autre avis sur les risques:
" Il n'y a pas d'augmentation de l'incidence des tumeurs cérébrales depuis que les téléphones portables ont commencé à être utilisés. Il n'y a aucune raison de penser
qu'il existe des risques . . . extrêmement élevés liés à l'usage du téléphone mobile".


L’étude Internationale
confirme :
"L’utilisation du Téléphone Mobile

Globalement la publication le 8 octobre 2008 - presque en catimini -
des premiers résultats intermédiaires de l’étude Internationale Interphone
du Centre International Recherche sur le Cancer (CIRC)
dépendant de l’OMS apporte la confirmation de l’augmentation
des cas de tumeurs et cancers liés à l’utilisation des téléphones mobiles.

CICR / OMS étude INTERPHONE mise à jour des résultats







- La Une : Premiers résultats INTERPHONE
"Le GSM est Cancérigène"

- LES PREMIERS RÉSULTATS de la plus grande enquête épidémiologique jamais menée à ce jour confirment qu'à long terme, le portable nuit à la santé.


- Cell Phone-Tumor Link Found?

The risk of developing a tumor was almost double for those
who started to use phones before their diagnosis.
In addition, the tumor risk was almost four times higher on the side of the
head where the phone was held, Ahlbom and Feychting said...The study
was funded by the European Union and is part of the wider Interphone study coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

The wireless industry has always maintained
there is no link between mobile phones and cancer.


- "Un rapport mondial du CIRC confirme les dangers
des téléphones portables

"L’augmentation significative de certains cancers avérée"

- Téléphone Portable, risque de cancer : c'est Officiel.
Le Mobile accroit le risque de cancers du cerveau ont déclarés les scientifiques.

- Cancer risk in mobile phone : Official
Mobile Phone DO increase the risk of brain cancer, scientists claimed yesterday.

- The One : First results INTERPHONE
"GSM is Carcinogenic"





ICNIRP est une organisation scientifique indépendante non gouvernementale
D'où ICNIRP obtient ses fonds?

ICNIRP is an independent scientific organisation non-governmental
Where does ICNIRP get its funds?




EHE’06 Conférence Internationale sur les Champs
Electromagnétiques, la Santé et l’Environnement.
Résumé du Rapport de J. Rose,
EMR Project Manager, Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel concernant Pr. P. Vecchia, Président ICNIRP .
- Dossier suspendu provisoirement, nouveau dossier modifié en cours -

EHE’06 International Conference on Electromagnetic
Health and Environment
Report of Jacqueline Rose,
EMR Project Manager Society for the Protection
of Nature in Israel - Pr. P. Vecchia, the chairman ICNIRP.
- File temporarily suspended, new file modified, in progress -






An immediate Yes
to mobile phones and relay antennas without radiation















"Dirty mobile phone"
with omnidirectional lobe of
HF microwave radiation
"Clean mobile phone"
without any HF microwave radiation via directional nanometric photonic beam





Video report France 3 : Phone masts beam (Grenoble-France), WHO, BioInitiative 0,6 V/m.




Declaration of Interest

The credibility of any public statement on matters of health
depends on the transparency of method and of the rules concerning potential conflicts of interest.

It is affirmed by a voluntary declaration of interest,
which identifies situations where a conflict of interest might arise.

This statement of independence and impartiality,
whether it refers to an individual or an organisation,
is also intended to bring to public attention all the conflicts of interest,
financial and otherwise, direct or indirect, that might prejudice objectivity.

In France this declaration of interest is a legal obligation
according to the Code of Public Health
(Articles L. 1336-4 and 1323-9 of the Code of Public Health).
An individual or person representing an organisation who is involved in a significant conflict of interest
is not entitled to take part in any study except to present information,
and is excluded from participating in any final conclusions. 

Since the law of 1 July 1998 on the reinforcement of health safety measures,
the public declaration of interest is also made to maintain transparency,
in the sense of the modified law CADA n°78-753 of 17 July 1978,
which included several measures intended to improve relations between the government and the public.
Anyone who wishes to consult these declarations can do so by simple request
to the Director General of CADA (Commission d'Accès aux Documents Administratifs).

Declaration of Interest
Next-up Organisation, which in accordance with its statutes is a philanthropic organisation
and does not receive any subscription or subsidy,
declares that it has no conflict of interest.

Déclarations Publiques d’Intérêts de l'AFSSET 2005 - 2008

Next-up Organisation, which would like to do more, in particular to initiate legal proceedings, needs your help. [click]



European Survey_Uk Version

In the face of the present unprecedented increase in artificial microwave radiation in the environment, there is a vital need to obtain up to date information as a basis for a comprehensive assessment of the impact of this radiation on people's health.

This questionnaire for the general public is easy to fill in and anonymous.
For it to be credible and representative it is essential for it to be circulated widely in Europe and worldwide so that we can amass the maximum statistical data.

Designed originally in a printed version by Dr Roger Santini, it has been updated so that people who live close to relay antennas can give the full details of their experience.
The statistics gathered from this enquiry will be sent anonymously to scientists
and health organisations for analysis and publication.

Please help circulate this questionnaire.


